By Femi Olomola - January 5, 2025
This is the bomb, a must read for all good people of this world and believer, especially the youth and single. Read and be blessed and make sure you share with your friends. You can also like our page so you will be getting all future sermon. God bless you as you obey.
Title: Agent of Destiny Destroyer
Bible text: Deuteronomy 7: 3-4, 1 Corinthians 6: 16)
Preacher: Pst. Femi S.O Williams
(President, Elshaddai-Elohim Youth Ministry)
To register for this weekly online inspirational hard revelation teaching from the lord, please sign up here by copying this link below and paste in your browser or visit
Copyright© Femi .S.O Williams 2016 [All rights reserved!]
Publish by: Wefos Project Int'l Limited
Email: [email protected]
First Published [Summary Edition] 2016
ISBN: 978-978-953-658-0
Recap of last week Sermon:
During the last sermon, we talked about the topic "The Altar of God" to study how this could affect our relationship with God because Making an altar for God and make it holy bring him close to your dwelling and hearing and this also hasten up the answer to your prayer. God cannot behold iniquities and he doesn't dwell in where there is uncleanness, these two justifications proves that God cannot lives anywhere but in an area with the atmosphere of holiness.
This week, we shall be looking at the topic "The Agent of Destiny Destroyer" to get us cautioned and acquainted, with the fastest and easier way of destroying the God giving destiny and how to live to maintain the glory of God in us . There are so many things that causes the downfall of a man but there is one great thing that can easily destroy so fast and take away all the good glory of God in them. Please sit back and enjoy this great lecture that will change your life forever.
Destiny, as it was being defined by Oxford dictionary, is the event that will necessarily happen to a person or thing in the future. In other words, we say destiny is what becomes of you in the future and it can be godly or ungodly, that is, it could be good or bad. Most people interpret destiny to always be good but the truth is that destiny could be good or could be bad. God has set his good plans for every individual even before you were born but your hand work or ancestral account will determine your destiny, that is, what will finally becomes of you. Even if God made a pronunciation to a man that you are blessed and the man failed to appropriate God's resources to achieve or sealed this blessing, then the blessing will finally turn out to be a curse. To buttress my point, i will briefly share two good example that perfectly fit into this category.
You remember what God spoke to David about Solomon, his son, that his love will never depart from him (Solomon) and that if he commit iniquities, he will only chasten him with the rod of men (2 Samuel 7: 15-16) but when Solomon turns away from the God of his father to be following that of his wife, then God's anger seriously arose against him and, if not for God's love over David, his father, coupled with the covenant he had made with him concerning his son, Solomon, the judgement would taken a worst shape but even within this circumstance, God still passes his judgement over to Solomon's son (1 King 11: 5-12).
Looking at the above scripture or story, coupled with the kind of concrete assurance God is giving to David and the passionate love he had for him, we may deduce that someone like Solomon will never face such height of anger or judgement from God since God has said he will only chasten him with the rod of men but instead, he (God) proclaimed a judgement on him that he will sweep off the entire kingdom from him and gave it to his servant but allow one to remain for the sake of David, his father, whom he (God) love so much and that he will not allow this to happen in Solomon's time for David's sake. We see that, within all these circumstances, God still passes a judgement on Solomon aside chastening him with the rod of men as earlier promised to David which later happened to him through different adversaries that was raised against him (1 King 11: 14, 23). Our God is a covenant keeping God and so, Solomon, took cover under the covenant that God had with his father but still receive judgement that was transfered over to his son. The nature of this judgement will automatically leave a bad destiny for his son but if the son can now execise that power of freewill which God had created man with, to submit and follow God diligently, then that bad destiny will change to good automatically. We see now that it is the hand work of man that will finally generate their destiny, just as we have read above.
We also know the story of Eli, the priest, whom God had earlier pronounce that all his family will minister before him forever but when his children began to misbehave coupled with Eli's negligence, the lord revert his good desire for his family and deliver judgement even to Eli and his children (1 Samuel 2: 27-36).
Beloved, our God is a faithful God, it is the deed of man that determine their destiny as we have seen for all the above illustration where the blessing pronounced from God actually turned into a curse due to disobedience. This also tells us that everyone has a personal role to play in actuallising whatever God has placed in their hand and it is your duty and responsibilities to utilise those things in appropriating God's resources around you for your good. This means that you hold the power to control your future, that is, even if a man has been judged and has been placed for condemnation, just like the son of Solomon in our illustration above who is awaiting the judgement of his father, he can still turned that judgement to be a good one if he finally submit and worship God.
God had created man with one beautiful attritube, and that is, the power of freewill, to make decision for themselves (Proverb 16: 9) and even if they make a wrong decision, he is still committed to saving them (Deutereonomy 30: 3-5). The beauty of this is that, no devil has the power to control it, you are totally in charge of your freewill, so that you will be responsible for your action, the devil can only lure you into making a decision through advice, either from your inner mind or loved once and can never make a decision for you, this is one method the devil is using to fight a just battle. The power of freewill which was embedded in man also made them a god, a judge, and a ruler, just like father like son because God, who is their father and creator is a judge, a ruler of his domain and a creator (Genesis 1: 26-27). I pray for someone reading this my sermon that the grace you need for you to always use your power of freewill to make right decision that will help the plan of God for your life and destiny, may you receive it in Jesus name.
One of the things we learnt from all the study above, is that, there is only one thing that can destroy the God giving destiny of a man and which is disobedience to God commandments but there is one greater thing that destroys easily than others within this same context of being disobedience and which i will briefly treat below.
Fornication and Adultery: 1 Corinthians 6: 16, Mark 10: 8, Deutereonomy 7: 3-4.
This is one act of disobedience to God's commandments that can easily destroy a man and take away that God giving destiny in him. I know this might not sound too real to many people, especially the unbelievers but the truth is that a man that had lived his tender age to avoid this, will reserve for himself almost the glory of God kept for him. This is also where satan sit to get his prey and launch his final attack because he knows that once you are able to scale through this agent of destruction, then you are almost good to go and he uses this ungodly act to always initiate his prey and put them under his domain. Remember that satan also gives riches to his children (Matthew 7: 11) who are always swiming in this act but there is a judgement awaiting them all or most times they got themselves entangled or stucked in an unfavorable situation because of their deed. There are many thing that happen when this act of sin is being committed which i will briefly detailed and list below and you can meditate more on them.
1. Oneness: 1 Corinthians 6: 16-17, Mark 10: 8
You see, when there is a sin of this nature, that is, committing fornication or adultery, the two involve will definitely become one flesh (Mark 10:
. This is the power which God himself, put behind sex and it means that both the man and the woman will become one, sharing whatsoever complications they are carrying with themselves, which also means that there will be an exchange that will definitely result to contaminations in their spirit. This is the point at which destiny is being changed, replaced or tampered with since the two will become one in flesh and spirit. One dangerous thing about this aspect of sin is that, God can NEVER be present or presiding over it and so, it is totally presided by satan himself, who chiefly decide or control the exchange and how he want it to be. Satan has used this area to hijack the world through immoral dresing and thought and he is using this to kill godly destiny among men and develop his own destiny for them. When satan get hold of your destiny, he does what he like with it, either to steal it, kill it or destroy it and i assure you that one of these three things must happen because he has no other business (John 10: 10). A youth that had lived in avoidance to this sin is more than sixty percent securing his future. Trust me!
The worst scenario of this oneness attribute between the two people involved is in the case of marrying an ungodly patner because marriage involve sex and is a lifetime affair and you might not be able to pull out, except the marriage is void of sex. The power behind being one as illustrated above is so strong that, even God might just have to give grace to manage the situation, if there is any problem and if the parties involved finally submit to him and it is God himself, who is the founder of the institution, that had made it so. This is why God is giving a stern warning to his dear lovely children to caution them of getting hooked to a strange woman through marriage, because it is the worst thing in life, according to our bible text (Deutereonomy 7: 3-5) which made us understand how God seriously frowned at his children going to marry the children from those nations of Idol worshipper, that they will turn their heart to follow their God, and his anger will be released against them to quickly destroy them, just like the case of Solomon illustrated above, whom his wifes had snatch his heart away from the God of his father, David, to follow other gods and this was why the anger of God was release upon him and took the kingdom away from him during the regime of his son (1 King 11: 5-12).
Like i said above, the implications of this oneness attributes especially in marrying an ungodly partner will be a worst scenario and will even be more worst if there is no deep love among the couple. So many family is suffering and swinming in abject poverty because of this simple mistake in their choice of marriage partner because the manifestation of the whole thing is a hidden spiritual phenomenon which might not be detected easily except God reveal it and which doesn't come cheaply most time, and the dangerous part of it, is that the devil within will always prefer to act or pretend as an angel of light to keep deceiving the oppressed, so that the ministry of stealing, killing and destroying which serve as his major business on earth can have a continuity (John 10: 10). I pray that the grace you need to make a right choice and to manage whatever mistake or wrong choice you had earlier made, May the almighty God grant to you in Jesus name.
2. Curse: Galatians 3: 10-14, Exodus 20: 5-6.
Another thing out of many, that will also happen during this fornication or adultery or ungodly union with an ungodly partner is that, because of the nature of sin that has been engaged, the parties involve have subjected themselves to the curse of the law and they will be left at the mercy or the tone of the devil. When a man is cursed, limitation in some certain area of his life becomes a welcome phenomenon . The scripture above (Galatians 3: 13) made us understand that Christ had redeemed us from the curse of the law by being a curse for us all, because it is written curse is everyone hang on a pole. This act of sin is what the holy spirit can never dwell with because you are destroying the temple of God within you and God said, anyone who destroy His temple, He will be quick to destroy them also (1 Corinthians 3: 17).
3. Prone to demonic attack: 1 Corinthians 6: 16
4. Prone to devilish affliction: 1 Corinthians 6: 16
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My advice goes to everyone reading this sermon, especially the youth and single to always endeavour to live up to this standard and avoid this agent of destiny destroyer which the devil has been using to bring down individual destiny and which will always come as a sin of fornication or adultery or ungodly union in marriage. I will strongly appeal to you to make sure you exercise great caution when you have dealing in all these area and also seek God's approval. May the lord help you and give you grace to choose right in Jesus name.
Preacher's Note:
It is my greatest desire that this sermon minister grace unto your soul but this is not enough, to be able to appropriate the God's knowledge around you as we have learnt above require deep knowledge of God, because it is until you have this knowledge that you can take your place and do exploit for God and yourself, and so i will urgently urge you to be rooted and grounded in the word of God, in other to deepen your faith, knowledge and relationship with God. you can also look out for my book written on "why do people suffer and why does God allow it" This will go a long way to minister grace to you as i have compiled series of eye opener in the book about human existence and the relationship towards knowing the true GOD, which will be the basis of your success in all sphere of life, and if you are blessed by this ministration, then do not hesitate to like our page on facebook (Youth and Single Empowerment Club, YASEC), where you can be getting my free online touching messages that will change your experience in God's knowledge. we also come together as a movement in all strategic part of the country, hold mighty crusade and revival session, and edify ourself by his word and above all sing deep long hour praises to God and invite an artist to keep us lively in the lord. Like our page and you will experience Club for christ in another level. May the lord bless you as you do.
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Copyright© Femi .S. Olomola 2016
All rights reserved
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Publish by
Wefos Project Int'l Limited
Email: [email protected]
First Published [Summary Edition] 2016
ISBN: 978-978-953-658-0
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About the author
Femi Olomola