By Femi Olomola - January 5, 2025
This is a great sermon for the soul, Read and be blessed and make sure you share with your friends. You can also like our page so you will be getting all future sermons. God bless you as you do.
Title: Amen is not enough
Bible text: James 2: 26, 2 Timothy 2: 19-21)
Preacher: Femi. S. O (A Teacher and Prophet of God)
Copyright© Femi .S. Olomola 2016 [All rights reserved!]
Publish by: Wefos Project Int'l Limited
Email: [email protected]
First Published [Summary Edition] 2016
ISBN: 978-978-953-658-0
Recap of last week Sermon:
During the last sermon, we talked about the topic "Immorality, the bane of our society" to awaken our consciousness to this poisonous and gargantuan agent of destroyer which had developed over the night among men and has eaten so deeply through the world that it will take God for you to survive on this earth without being stained or stalked by it. This is also a great tool in the hand of the devil, just like a mass destructive weapon. So beloved, guide your heart with all diligence, out of it comes the issues of life, both bad and good [Proverb 4: 23].
This week, we shall be looking at the topic "AMEN IS NOT ENOUGH" to learn and understand what is expected of you as a part of your responsibility to seal your amen because whether you like it or not, you have a role to play for that prayer or prophecy to be accomplish in your life. So many people are found of parading the church to join the congregation in answering to prophecies and prayer and likewise submit their prayer but they lack the required knowledge that will enable the manifestation of their amen and thereby get their prayers answered. The altitude by which people respond to amen, believing that the longevity and the action put into saying it, will bring it to manifestation will only be a mirage if the expectation on your own part fails. This is practically the reason why, multitude of people [believer and unbeliever] will pray but only very few are answered. Please sit back and enjoy this great lecture that will change your life forever.
Our bible text [James 2: 26 NIV] states that “for as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without work is dead also”, and this made us understand that for as our body cannot survive without the spirit, so also faith cannot survive without work.
Faith is the substance of things hope for and evidence of things not seen [Hebrew 11: 1]. Amen also means it is done, so it means that when we engage the word, amen, we believe by faith that it is done and according to our bible text above, if we don’t apply some work with that faith of saying amen, the manifestation will only be a mirage. As we go further, we shall be looking into the type of work that needs to be applied to your faith to make it produce result.
There are lots of prayers, lots of prophecies flying everywhere this days and likewise lots of amen in respond to all these prophecies and prayers but very few are answered and very few found their way through manifestation. In fact, most people [believer or unbeliever] have developed some certain altitude or action which comes with great passion or enthusiasm towards a joyous respond to these prophecies or prayers especially from a particular man of God. It would have been a great gain to them and utmost desire for God if they had input the same level of strength or passion or enthusiasm that was mobilized in responding to all these prophecies and prayers, into working out their own part of the responsibility that will seal the manifestation of these prophecies because in every request you made to God, there is always your own part and God’s own part to play.
God is a real father indeed, even with all the attributes of your earthly or biological father except carnal desire, and so, he knows how best to deal with his children especially the once that are very faithful and obedience to his instructions, he doesn’t joke with them, he answer them even before they ask and as they are asking, it is already manifesting [Isaiah 65: 24]. You see, the truth is that when you are in good terms with God, prayer becomes easier for him [God] to answer because God desire your worship and obedience first, just exactly the way you passionately desire your prayers to be answered, and so, when you haven’t fulfill your own part of your responsibility, then there will be some form of conflict between you and God which will therefore result to non answered prayers.
Even a very renowned great man of God, whom God is directly working through him, will not be the one to answer those prayers or prophecies but God and so, it will take any of these four major factors or circumstances for those prophecies and prayers flying everywhere pass through to manifestation which I will share briefly below:
1. If God dearly love and respect the vessel to whom he is using for exploit:
Like I said above, God is a real father to every son that diligently finds him and obey his instructions even with much commitment, he never joke with them especially when the vessel is rightly God sent, particularly to deliver the oppressed of the devil and so, they generate much love from above even than any other. The power behind their exploit is the love they generate from God and above because love is deep, love is sacrificial and love is greater than any form of power even to penetrate through the greatest stronghold; this is why, the first and greatest commandments of God states that love the lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy mind [Matthew 22: 36-38]. When you love God first and God reciprocate your love, then you will experience his power in all ramifications.
There are some vessels that, not only they are God sent, they have also purge themselves very well to sharpen the glory of God in them like in the area of subjecting the flesh totally and put it under full control to enable them perform exploit for God and delivers the oppressed of the devil, thereby bringing people into his kingdom. This category of vessel, God never joke with them and he respect their words a lot that when they speak with passion and much believe, he made it come to pass because God knows that for you to purge yourself fully, it takes your strength or ability and his grace for it to be accomplished, since this involved to be totally dead to the things of the world either: marriage, family, money, position, property and all worldly desire, dead to all these things does not mean you will not acquire them but not to allow it take up your heart because if you do, the devil will cheaply use it to track you down and gradually turns your heart away from God.
The devil has power to control most of these sweet worldly desire and when he practically want to bring a man down or have his soul with him, he can use all these things to steal his heart from God, and you know you cannot serve two master, either you serve God or the devil. You remembered that Satan tested our lord Jesus Christ, when he took him to the mountain top and show him the splendor of all the kingdom of the earth and that he should bow down to him that he will give him the whole world which includes all these lovely desire of the world but Jesus rejected that offer bluntly, that it is written “worship the lord thy God and serve him only [Matthew 4: 8-11] but the truth is that Satan is still performing this test for many of the inhabitants of the earth today, especially to the saint that want to serve God to succeed and many are falling cheaply because of these worldly desire as listed above.
The book of [1 John 2: 15-17 NIV] also urge us in this regard which states that “do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the father is not in them. For everything in the world: the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye and the pride of life comes not from the father but from the world. The world and it desire pass away but whoever does the will of God lives forever”
2. If the one responding to amen has satisfy the conditions set down in our bible text:
Our bible text [2 Timothy 2: 19-21] states that “but in a great house there are not only vessel of gold and of silver but also of wood and of earth, and some to honor and some to dishonor, if a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honor, sanctified, and meet for the master’s use and prepared unto every good work. The scripture above made us understand that though in every endeavor of life, there are vessels unto honor and vessels unto dishonor but if a man purges himself of all these sinful nature and also work diligently with God to be a great instrument in his hand, then he will be a vessel unto honor, sanctified and meet for the master’s use and will be prepared unto every good work.
We realize that in every good work of faith there is always some work to do to bring out the best result, in fact, your level of commitment, involvement in God’s work and your diligent work with God will produce a considerable or proportionate effect towards the manifestation of your amen. To purge yourself of sinful nature is to clean yourself of every unclean things and be empowered, through fasting and prayer, deep passionate praise, sharing the light you have receive to others and so on.
3. If God want to show himself as God the Almighty:
Another fact is that, our God is the all sufficient God and sometimes he will like to prove his sufficiency, to show his power so that you will know that he is God, even if the one expecting the miracle is not a genuine believer and without faith, God can still show his worthiness to prove he is God and he might not need your support this time to achieve his mission, that is, whether the vessel he’s using for exploit or the one expecting the miracle had faith or not, he will still execute his plan.
You remember the case of mosses and pharaoh where God had exercise and show forth his power in greater altitude to prove his worthiness to mosses and the Israelites even when mosses is very reluctant to go for the mission, God told him that I will harden the heart of pharaoh so that he will not let you go, that I may show my power and that the Israelites will know that I am the lord [Exodus 7: 3-5]. We realize from the above scripture that God purposely harden the heart of pharaoh to show his mightiness even to Israelite that are the very grumbling and unbelief people which had made God subject them forty years of wondering in the wilderness.
4. If there is a special love from above for the one expecting the miracle:
There is one more circumstance that we cannot rule out that will effectively urge God to allow the manifestation of your amen even without much faith or work and that is, if the one responding amen or expecting miracle has a special love from above.
Do not be deceived, there are people that God love so much, maybe because of their ancestors close walk with God and their self deed. You remember how God promise David, of his son, Solomon, who is to inherit the throne of his father, that his love will not depart from him and that even if he [Solomon] eventually commit sin, he will only chastise him with the rod of men but his love will never depart from him according to [2 Samuel 7: 14-16 NIV] which state that “I will be his father and he will be my son. When he does wrong I will punish him with a rod wielded by men with floggings inflicted by human hands. But my love will never be taken away from him as I took him away from Saul whom I removed from before you. Your house and your kingdom will endure forever before me and your throne shall be established forever”
God is also speaking through his prophet in the book of Exodus 20: 5-6 NIV, which state that “you shall not bow down to them or worship them for I, the lord, thy God, am a jealous God punishing the children for the sin of the parent even to third and fourth generation of those who hate me but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments”
From all the above scriptures, we realize God can show deep love and mercy to any individual he deem fit even to a thousand generations whom their ancestor had obtained favour of the lord by reason of their close walk with God, and when God love you, irrespective of your faith or work of faith, he will show you mercy in all ramification but he will be doing it so that you can finally realize he is God and turn from your sinful ways to follow him closely but when the individual is always not reciprocating God’s love or appreciating his deed over him, then a time will come when that grace will be taken away but before that will happen, God would have make sure that the individual has gotten enough of the message of salvation so that he [God] will be justified, so beware.
Now which area do you fall out of these categories listed above but bear it in mind that even if you fall into any of the above category, God is still the chief Judge, and the finisher of whatsoever manifestation that is to come and it will depend on how he sees your heart towards all these that will produce the effect accordingly.
Now that you know that it takes your effort to put your amen to manifestation, what are you doing on your own part to help what God is setting for you because if you refuse to be serious for once and allow God work through you to put an end to that years of oppression from the enemy, a time will come when the grace will be taken away, and when that happen, you will be left to the tone of the enemy and to your ability, because where God is not, the devil will take charge. God does not want you to only be shouting and responding amen to all prophecies and prayer but to be serious at least for once so that he can give you a continuous amen in your situation.
Our lord Jesus Christ also acknowledged this in the book of John 15: 1-2, & 5-6 NIV, which says “I am the true vine and my father is the gardener, he cut off every branch in me that bears no fruit while every branch that does bear fruit he prunesso that it will be even more fruitful” Verse 5-6, says “I am the vine, you are the branches, if you remain in me and I, in you, you will bear much fruit, apart from me, ye can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withered, such branches are picked up and thrown into the fire and burned”
The scripture above made us understand that if the branch or stem of a tree is not getting nutrients from the mother tree, it will withered and will not be fruitful and when that happen, it will be cut off, then people will gather it to be used as firewood which will therefore be burned in the fire. This is exactly how a believer is to God, our lord Jesus Christ is the mother tree, and when you, as the branches is not tapping strength from him, you will withered and will not be fruitful any longer, then such branch will be cut off and be trampled upon or wasted by the enemy that are always standing by.
Preacher's Note:
It is my greatest desire that this sermon minister grace unto your soul but this is not enough, to be able to appropriate the God's knowledge around you as we have learnt above require deep knowledge of God, because it is until you have this knowledge that you can take your place and do exploit for God and yourself, and so I will urgently urge you to be rooted and grounded in the word of God, in other to deepen your faith, knowledge and relationship with God. you can also look out for my book written on "why do people suffer and why does God allow it" This will go a long way to minister grace to you as I have compiled series of eye opener in the book about human existence and the relationship towards knowing the true GOD, which will be the basis of your success in all sphere of life, and if you are blessed by this ministration, then do not hesitate to like our page on facebook (Youth and Single Empowerment Club, YASEC), where you can be getting my free online touching messages that will change your experience in God's knowledge. we also come together as a movement in all strategic part of the country, hold mighty crusade and revival session, and edify ourself by his word and above all sing deep long hour praises to God and invite an artist to keep us lively in the lord. Like our page and you will experience Club for christ in another level. May the lord bless you as you do.
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Copyright© Femi .S. Olomola 2016
All rights reserved
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any means, electronically, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the express written consent of the copyright owner.
Publish by
Wefos Project Int'l Limited
Email: [email protected]
First Published [Summary Edition] 2016
ISBN: 978-978-953-

About the author
Femi Olomola