By Femi Olomola - January 5, 2025
Bible text: Zachariah 3: 1-7, Isiaha 64: 6
Vessel: Femi S. OLOMOLA
Copyright© Femi .S. Olomola 2016 [All rights reserved!]
Publish by: Wefos Project publishing
Email: [email protected]
First Published [Summary Edition] 2016
ISBN: 978-978-953-658-0
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Recap of last sermon:
In our previous week publication, we studied about 'working for God and the reward' so as to have the perfect knowledge about rendering a good and acceptable service unto God because not all services are acceptable, be it, personal or cooperate. The purpose of giving God an acceptable service is to make sure the reward or blessing as accorded unto such sacrifice surely come to you and equally have a place in heaven (John 14: 1-4).
we also highlighted the three major factors require to do this effectively, which are: (1) holiness, (2) Passion for God and His work, (3) knowledge of God. This becomes the internal driving forces and the burning desire for your commitment. This week, we shall be looking at this new subject (THE FILTHY GARMENT) which becomes the bedrock of all believers, even a prequisite for your services and sacrifes unto God as discussed in our last sermon. So please, sit back to enjoy this hard revelation sermon and your experience in God shall never remain the same.
Garment is a form of clothing that we wear for a particular assignment either for work, church, battle field or ceremonial outing which would have been known or recognised for the purpose to which it is meant for. One of the important fact is that they are meant to identify you along with the concurrent or periodic assignment that is being engaged for, which will also serve as a signal or call to those who understand it.
Spiritual garment also is synonymous to this, which is a form of spiritual clothing, being wore to represent the image or inner characteristics or attributes of the one wearing it. Unlike physical clothing that you can wear to cover up your inner shame, spiritual clothing represent what you are, from your inner being.
Take for instance, the holy garment represent holiness and are peculiar to holy people while dirty or filthy garment represent unholiness or uncleanness and are peculiar to sinful or unclean people. The spiritual also control the physical world and this means that every representation of the physical attribute is a manifestation of the spiritual.
Man is a spiritual dongle and whatever you do here on planet earth is a representation of the life in the spiritual. It is of great importance that you know how to constantly wash off every uncleanness in your garment and how to maintain it because this is one of the basic requirement for spiritual exploit.
The status of your gament will determine your encounter with God, which is indeed needed to build your relationship with Him and to enable you love Him above all things even as God as earlier commanded and as we have learnt from our previous weekly sermons. Your garment will also be the criterial to which God judges your relationship with Him because it represent the status of your real self and your ability in interacting between the Godly and the ungodly and it will be the first thing that will be in God's sight (Lamentations 4: 14).
So many problem that still perstist today is because the vessel still goes round with same old filthy garment which has not been change or cleaned of all uncleanness and it is only God who can remove and give his raiment as we have read in our bible text.
Your ability to do spiritual exploit varies with the status of your garment. This means that a vessel carrying a stained garment might not be able to show some abilities in spiritual warfare like casting out demon but will need some form of revival first for God to enclothe him with a new raiment which can only comes through deliverance by prayer and fasting just like the case of Joshua above.
The fact that you are serving God or always a church addict does not mean your garment is totally cleaned but grace will always be available for some minimal level of exploit or as God wishes, especially if the vessel is connecting with a higher vessel for annointing just as we learnt in our previous sermons because there are certain issues that must be personally dealt with before you get to that level of acquiring God's desire raiment for your life like your foundation, source and path of life journey (Psalm 11: 3).
Do not be deceived, greater spiritual exploit comes with greater challenge, commitment, sacrifice and responsibilities, even Jesus Christ who had never committed a sin, had to fast forty days and forty night before He began His deliverance ministry in other to achieve the purpose for which God has called Him. Miracle also, doesn't come by chance, you must work for it and there are only three reason that could make your miracle comes by chance but i will not go into detail as I will treating that in subsequent sermon and so, i will just be listing them for to you to know:
1. If God want to proves himself worthy or want you to know that He is God, especially when he had spoken or want to deliver His wrath, then nothing can stop it, not even your faith, whether you have faith or not, His words and intention must come to pass.
2. If God respect the vessel to whom He has been using for exploit, because there are vessel that had purge themselve seriously and God doesn't joke with their utterances (2 Timothy 2: 19-21).
3. If the vessel to which the miracle is needed has fulfilled all necessity for such exploit, then God will be glad to release the miracle (2 Chronicle 7: 14).
The rudiment involved in the christian race is more of the spiritual than the physical because the God whom you serve or whom you are following is a spirit and they that must worship him also, either by your services or sacrifices must do it in spirit and in truth (John 4: 24). So i will implore you to always pray for revelation that will reveal the status of your gament in christ Jesus and know where you are standing because without true revelation, you may have been lost as the devil also is very capable of deceiving even the elect of God (Matthew 24: 24).
The Filthy Garment:
Our bible reading shows the case of Joshua the high priest in (Zachariah 3: 1-4) whom prophet Zachariah had a revelation about, and in the vision, he saw Joshua standing before the angel of the Lord with a filthy garment and the angel said to those that are standing before him, take away the filthy garment from him and after they had taken it away, the angel said to him, i have taken away thine iniquity and i will cloth thee with change of raiment. I pray for the one reading through this that the Lord will shower His bowel of mercy upon you and have your filthy garment change with a new rainment in Jesus name.
We realise from the above scripture that, Joshua, despite being the high priest whom God critical ordained to take after the position of Moses leading the children of isrealite is indeed harbouring some sins unknowingly which had equally led to the stain of his garment and until the sin is taken away, a change of raiment will be a mirage.
One could wonder how come Joshua at the level of a high priest could still be found in such filthy clothing, but this is to justify the imperfection of human nature and that man as a spiritual dongle is powerless regarding the inevitable submissiveness to the two authority (God and the devil) trying to exercise lordship over them and so, it is God himself who can make you to overcome sin or temptation when you voluntarily give room for Him to manifest because sometimes we could found ourself entangled in situations that would have dropped us in a pit due to the desires of the flesh.
Man is powerless over the absence of the creation power of God and the opposing forces trying to exercise lordship over them but the ability to maintain, balance, or swing between these forces, also rest in them. Since God created every man on earth with the power of freewill embedded in them (Proverb 16: 9), and which make them God independently (John 10: 34, Psalm 82: 6). As a result, the ability to decide which power or master to obey lies with man but there is a great judgement here on earth and eternity, awaiting those that are seeking power from the devil to become his servant.
The bible verse above (Zachariah 3: 1-4) tells us that Satan is standing at his right hand to resist him, and if not the angel of the lord that had rebuke him (Devil), he will still have the power and authority to continually have a hold on him. This is practically how it keep occuring to every individual, the forces that is standing right beside you for you not to do the will of God and tap into his blessing is actively in position all the time and will have the power to overcome you if you are still going about with that filthy garment (Galatians 5: 17). This is why you must always pray without season becuase it is God alone, who can resist the devil for you to overcome him by his word. Overcoming the devil does not mean he has gone away permanently, he just step aside for you because a greater power is now in active and once he notice anything less, he will come in again to try.
There are people that are having some form of strange power residing with them by reason of their foundation which will be restricting them from God's blessing and until they conduct the required prayer with fasting to compel that foundational power (Mark 9:29, Matthew 17: 21), they will still be having their gament stained continuously, and doing greater exploit sometimes could be a mirage.
Even if God want to help, because you have cried to him and his ready to deliver your encounter, he will have to remove that stained garment and put his own raiment first, so that he can also use you as an instrument in his hand to do greater exploit (Isaiah 64: 6). One thing worthy of note is that the new garment or raiment to which God has enabled on you can get contaminated or stained again, if you lack proper knowlegde on how to maintain and sustain it. Maintaining your spiritual garment has a whole lot of effort to keep it reserve and ready at all times which, we shall be considering as we go further.
Like i said above, your spiritual garment is a reflection of whom you are, what you are, and your spiritual status. You cannot be a sinful man and carry an holy garment but you can be living holy and your garment is stained just like the case of Joshua narrated above, if not properly maintained. Though carrying an holy garment is not an easy task because of the imperfect nature of man and the flesh which has been currupted but by God who is sufficient in all grace, it is possible and at that level, so many things becomes easier.
Now let's consider some factors reponsible for a stained or filthy garment and their consequences before we proceed on how to maintain or sustain them because if you do not know all the rudiments involve, then sustaining it may not be realistic, i will be sharing three basic foundamental factor while the rest will be listed. I pray the lord grant you grace for a deeper understanding into this in Jesus name.
Causes of filthy garment:
We shall be considering three major causes of filthy garment which all other causes are routed from:
i. Sin: (Ezekiel 14: 11, Leveticus 19: 31, Lamentations 4: 14, Galatians 5: 19-21, Isiaha 59: 1-2)
One of the major causes of a stained garment is sin, which could comes in different form either by ignorance, consciously or unconsciously. Sin, which is an act of disobedience negate God's effect in us but submission to God's commandment appreciate the nature of God within us and thereby becomes the product of our outer garment.
For all have sin and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3: 23). Sin is very dangerous to man as it forms the basis for their destruction both here on earth and eternity (Hosea 4: 6-7, Exodus 20: 5-6). It has led the world in it entirety to this odd stage of humanity and even at this, people still commit and dwell in it, knowingly or unknowingly. God is speaking through his prophet in the bible verse above (Hosea 4 : 6-7), which made us understand that as they increased in number, so they sin against Him, therefore he will turn their glory into shame.
Sin is so powerful that any moment you dive into it, the status of your garment will be altered immediately and this will definitely limit you to some level of spiritual exploit (Isiaha 59: 1-2). The height of iniquity being perpetrated on a daily basis on this planet is majorly experience in the spiritual and very minute of it can we behold physically, and therefore, for you to always overcome, you, must also be fuly grounded spiritually.
The book of (Ephesian 6: 12) makes us understand that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against power, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual wickedness in high places. This is why you must be in one spirit with God if you are to succeed but the unfortunate thing is that many today, even believer do not know where they are standing and you can only get this by true revelation from God.
We see the case of Joshua the high priest, if prophet Zachariah had not seen that revelation, he will never believe such because he is a high priest and also the case of prophet Isaiah above in (Isaiah 64: 6) referring to the children of Isrealite and himself as unclean thing and their righteousness as a filthy rage. Beloved, stain in your holy garment can happen to anyone at any level because of the imperfection of human nature and the corruptible flesh, but the ability to renew it and flush out any form of uncleanness rest at the bossom of every individual based on their spiritual strenght, unction, and grace available to them. This is why it is good for a believer who is walking closely with God to always refresh his unction through periodic fasting and prayer, infact, a real friend of God is a man of fasting.
ii. Foundation: (Psalm 11 : 3)
Your source or foundation which serve as your root of birth or blood line is a major determinant for a stained or holy garment. The bible verse above ( Psalm 11 : 3 ) makes us understand that when the foundation are being destroyed, then what can the righteous do. Foundation is very crucial in every individual's life because it determine the course of your existience except God intervene to make sure his plan comes to pass.
Foundational stain is a spiritual phenomenon and can never be unveiled except through deep revelation from God which doesn't come cheaply most time because deeper revelation require a greater level of responsibility or spiritual commitment except there is a special love from above for the vessel in question or if God want to use a man for a special assignment, He provides all that he need easily in other that His mission be accomplished.
There are so many people, by reason of their foundation and the flesh which has been corrupted would have been dedicated or consecrated to different satanic alter in the spiritual realm during birth, or even before birth and the alter will be standing against God's glory in their life, the same people will still carry the baby to church for dedication to present to the alter of God, but God cannot be mocked and until the child is grown to the stage of taking responsibility and making personal life decision that he can be freed from such bondage only if he voluntarily submit his life to Jesus Christ and be ready to take up the challenge of contending with His oppressor.
This is the reasons a foundational power will have a reasonable authority to fight a man even till death because it has now becomes part of his existence, but when the man then, get close to God to obey Him completely and refuse to be involved in those thing that will always gives his flesh the ability to overcome him, then God will come in to help and deal with that menace so that His glory and counsel also can be established.
The foundational power which is against God's glory will not just be fighting your destiny but also trying to empower you to be his tools and messenger in carrying out his mission and desire even against others and the moment you refuse to be an instrument of destruction in his hand and begin to folllow God, he will step up his challenge like a roaring lion but if you are truly abiding under the shadow of the almighty (Psalm 91: 1-2), then victory is yours and you can never be hurt.
Ancestral account: (Exodus 20: 5-6, Hosea 4: 6-7)
This is another core causes of foundational stain as explained above which is also one of the crucial factor that will determine the status of your garment. Believe it or not, your ancestors have an account with God and this is one of the basic requirment to which God show mercy to every descendants.
The bible verse quoted above makes us understand that God is totally not happy even with the children of those that does not obey his commandment and he promise to purnish them for the sin of their parent and also turned their glory into shame. He said, 'i will purnish the children for the sin of their parent even to third and forth generation of them that hate him but showing love to a thousand generation of them that love me' (Exodus 20: 5-6, Hosea 4: 6-7).
This is a clear unambiguous causes of a generational curse which involves transferring of aggression from one generation to another just as it is stated in the scripture above. So if a vessel had not dealt with the curses associated with their past generation or ancestor, he is likely to begin from where they stop or follow the same pattern of life that had limited their destiny and might not have the require ability to totally subdue the associated power that may have been working against his God given glory.
Suppressing and dealing with such foundational or ancestral negative power require deeper knowledge of God as everything may not be by prayer to bind and cast out the devil especially if the dominating power is strongly in position and actively beholding the door which serve as entrance to your real self but to seek wisdom in God on how to technically or wisely put such power under your feet (Matthew 10: 16). Sometime it could be that you need to change environment or just buying of gift or change your orientation regards life generally couple with embarking on a personal or cooperate prayer session with fasting before you may achieve success in your battle but whichever way, if you are seeking wisdom in God's knowledge by his words then He will be ministering to you by revealing things you need to do and how to do them because faith without work is dead.
Foundational or ancestral negative power is standing with all men, no one is excluded, whether a general overseers with 100 years of experiece or a new convert or unbelievers because from the begining, man has sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3: 23). The consequence of this sin is curse but only those who had regenerated themselves by surrendering their life to Jesus Christ who came to pay the price for all these sin and curse will be critically save from the world and have eternal glory.
This foundational stain as explained above is the major problem of this entire world because it will becomes the quality and attributes of your real self even as you grow with nature and will also be the bases to which you heed to God's instruction. There are many people that will never heed to God's commandemnt and calling by reason of the foundational stain or power standing with them thereby giving the holyspirit more work to do in trying to bring them close to God or except they encounter serious difficulties in life or God himself will have to subject them to a Godly sorrow, so as to make them broken in spirit before they will submit and obey to answer His call. While for some, they easily submit to God commandment. The discrepancies that is being observed in people in this regard, over the submissiveness to the foundational dominating power is due to the variation in its nature and strenght of such forces and as well as the inherent ability of every individual.
The truth is that the most suitable form that God will always engage to call His lost children to himself is through challenges and problem of life because He knows that your ability to subdue that generational or foundational dominating power taking control over your soul in your present state is very low, and when you are living in sin, you find it very difficult to overcome the devil, which is the flesh and therefore, his desire will surely manifest but by the time you submit to God and obey him completely, then He will give you power to overcome those negative forces that has resided with you from your foundation through your flesh (Romans 6: 18-23).
iii. Unholy Marriage (union):
This is one of the major causes of a stained garment, as strong even as the foundational or ancestral negative power as explained above. This is so because the founding power to which God has created such institution is found in bodily unity of the partnes involve which therefore will unit the spritual garment of the associated parties. In other words, marriage and sex will turn the spouses or individual involved to be one in spiritual body and eventually unit them in spirit (Mark 10: .
As a result, every individual needs to look well before venturing into such institution as it could bring down destiny in God, even great one. The spritual rudiment behind marriage is enormous and sometimes God may not be able to help in such situation, especially when the two is strongly tie to each other except they both repent and critically beg for mercy (Deuteronomy 7:3â€-‬4 KJV).
The bible verse quoted above reads:
"Neither shalt thou make marriages with them; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son. For they will turn away thy son from following me, that they may serve other gods: so will the anger of the Lord be kindled against you, and destroy thee suddenly" (Deuteronomy 7:3â€-‬4 KJV).
Nevertheless, in any union void of God, the devil will be duly appreciated unknowingly. One of the great characteristics of the devil is to hide under the shadow of righteousness and pretend to be God, even with diverse blessing, signs and wonders, so as to continually beholding the soul of his subject but i pray for you reading this that the grace to seek the true God who made the heaven and earth and all that dwelled within, receive it in Jesus name.
Consequences of filthy or stained garment:
Let us look at some result of a stained garment so we know how to properly overcome them. I will be touching briefly on one while the rest will be listed:
i. The inability to perform exploit and exercise your faith in God: (Daniel 11: 32b, Hebrew 11: 6)
Spiritual exploit are the gain of your sonship to God both here on earth and eternity and when this is not in a believer's life, then you are just playing game with the devil. God want you to overcome the devil and all the challenges of life, so He will be proud and boostful of you putting the devil to shame, just like He did in the case of Job, and which is why He (God) said: "i have given thee power to trample upon snakes and scorpion, and to overcomes all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt thee (Luke 10: 19).
Beloved, this is a great promise from God, but only those who are able to key into this by faith will use it, not everyone because to overcome the devil is not a bread and butter game, it involves real spiritual fight with him and his corhot and you must be ready at all times to engage him by the name of Jesus Christ alone and by His words (Ephesians 6:12â€-‬14 KJV).
The bible verse quoted above reads:
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness" (Ephesians 6:12â€-‬14 KJV).
Another point worthy of note is that, without faith no man can please God, and if you are unable to exercise your faith with God especially when you are carrying a stained garment, then you may be having problem dealing with Him because it will reduces your abiliy to trust fully in Him (God). Trusting in God is the paramont thing you needed for exploit and is a function of your interaction and knowledge of Him (God).
The mystery behind trusting God is this, the moment you are connecting and interacting with Him (God) on a daily basis, He gives you the empowerment and the ability to trust Him the more. So in other words, He (God) is still the same person that will supply the strenght you need to trust Him more even with series of encounters.
ii. Reduce or obstrcut d flow of Godly annoiting
iii. Causes on and off in your spiritual life for God
iv. Increase the capacity of devil annoiting:
v. Contageous
vi. Devil's instrument
Maintaining your holy garment: (Exodus 34: 27-35)
I would not want to drop my pen on this subject without revealing few ways and manner at which you can sustain your holy garment in this critical time. This is not like the usual preaching that you may have been hearing as there are many sweet preacher delivering messages to suit your soul, so you can always gravitate toward them.
The bitter truth is that to maintain your holy garment requires you to be dead to the world coupled with your unambiguous ability in God's knowledge. You see, like i said above, the forces standing against you not to appropriate the knowledge of God by his word is always in active position and will always have the power to overcome you, especially if you refuse to bring yourself up to the level of spiritual commitment that will give you an edge over him because every power has their strenght according to their root and hierarchy.
To be dead to the world is to lust flavour for worldly all desires which means nothing can behold your heart in this world except Christ who had died for you to relinquish your affection for God. This also mean that though you need the good things of life in the area of food, shelter, and clothing which are the basic needs of a man but you must not allow them take up your heart above God as the God whom you serve is able to supply those needs in abundance. In other word, you must not love them to keep them. This is the mystery behind Godly riches and abundance as God is looking for a man that is ready to share all he has to the poor and follow Him, then He will be exceedingly moved to bless him beyond boundary (Matthew 6:24â€-‬26â€, ‬28â€-‬34 NLT, 1 John 2:15â€-‬18 KJV).
The bible verse quoted above reads:
“No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and be enslaved to money. “That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? “And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith? “So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today" (Matthew 6:24â€-‬26â€, ‬28â€-‬34 NLT).
The bible verse quoted above reads:
"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time" (1 John 2:15â€-‬18 KJV).
The scripture above (Exodus 34: 27-35) makes us understand that when Moses went up to meet with God on mount sinai to collect the tablet of the ten commandments, he did not eat anything for forty days and by the time he return back, his eyes were shining like a rays of light, with the power of God upon him and everybody could not look up to him to the point that he had to cover his face with a veil before he can face them or talk to them. This is what sanctification and consecration can do to an individual, it gives power to fight those stubborn demon because there are demonic forces with a very strong background or root that will not just leave you alone except you upgrade to a certain level of spiritual commitment and responsibilities. May the lord grant you grace for proper understanding on this in Jesus name.
Deep spiritual commitment like in the area of major fasting, deep praises and worship, and sharing the light of God among nation, is a platform for empowerment to receive power from God so as to fight stubborn demon, even the angel of God of lower hierachy that was coming to deliver the result of Daniel's prayer was held down by prince of pasia for 21days before a higher power came to his resue (Daniel 10: 12-14) but the good news for this generation is that we have a name that is above every other name, the name to which every demon or power bow, both here on earth, beneath the earth and in heaven which is the name of Jesus Christ who has shed his blood and therefore be lifted above all principalities and power (Phillippians 2: 9-11), but one simple truth that needs to be known is that different level of vessel can engage the name of Jesus and get different result dependimg on their level of spiritual empowerment or commitments.
I will therefore advice you to always strive to live to a certain level of empowerment in Christ Jesus which will come through your spiritual commitment and responsibilities. May the Lord give you grace to this level of ability in Jesus name. Sustaining your holy garment also require a constant maintanance of that new level of spiritual empowerment which you have attained and received from the Lord. Even, annointing from a higher vessels flow more easily when the recipient vessel has a good landing platform to accommodate that which is being received.
Conclusion: (In summary)
(1) Man as a spiritual dongle has a limited power to overcome sin which causes the stain in their spiritual garment especially when they have not dealt with the foundational power residing with them from their root which is against God's glory.
(2) Stain in your spiritual garment can be traced to three major circumstances as detailed above which are: sin, foundation, and unholy marriage (union).
(3) One of the major consequences of a stained spiritual garment, as detailed above, is the inability to perform exploit and exercise your faith in God.
(4) Maintaining your holy garment is critically hinge on your ability to be dead to the world, as detailed above, along with your unambiguous understanding of God's knowledge which is manifested in your practical effort of spiritual commitment and empowerment.
(5) To be dead to the world is to lust flavour for worldy desires because the principle for Godly riches is that you must not love them in other to keep them as God is critically looking for a man that can share all he has to the poor and take up his cross to follow Him and this will be the category of people He will bless beyond boundary.
Prayer Point:
Before you go into this prayer session, if you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and saviour and you are convinced that you need him to come into your life, so you can also partake and tap into the grace available through shedding of his blood, and that you are sure you are ready to repent from all these sin of fornication, adultery, lying, sexual immorality, pride, jealousy, hatred, idolatry, selfish ambition, witchcraft, impurity and debauchery, dissensions, envy, drunkenness, orgies and the likes, then locate a quiet place, be sober and be on your kneel and made this little confession but remember to be sure of what you are doing, so you don't make a gest with the name of the Lord because when you respect Him and give Him honour, He will also honour you in the sight of men (Matthew 6: 6).
Lord Jesus, i come with total humbleness of heart to ask for forgiveness of my sins and accept you as my lord and saviour, please forgive me of all my sin (you can begin to name them if you know them) i surrender my life to you and i want you to come and take full charge over my life. I accept you as my lord and my saviour, please cleanse me with your blood that you shed on the cross and make me a new man leaving old things behind. I promise to serve you and do your will at all time and i ask for the strenght to carry on. Thank you Lord Jesus for saving me.
Congratulation! You have made a step forward in tapping into his grace but for you not to fall back you must look out for a good holyspirt filled church to worship and begin to study the word of God, if you have just done this, you can also contact me to get a free copy of my book and publications so as to strenghten your faith. May the lord give you the grace to carry on in Jesus name. Now you can go into this prayer session:
Plead read the following scriptures: (Zachariah 9: 11, Isiaha 49: 25, Deuteronomy 30: 3-5, James 4: 6, Jeremiah 33: 3) and worship God with any inspiring christian songs that is able to met your heart and get you inspired before starting your prayer but remember to pray with total seriousness, conviction, boldness and love for God in your heart.
1. My father, my fathew by your words in (Zachariah 9: 11) every satanic elements or influences in my foundation causing me to sin against you unknowingly, let them be rooted out in jesus name.
2. My father, my father every door i have been opening to the devil by my reactions, attitude or words knowingly or unknowingly, let them be permanently close in jesus name.
3. My Father, My father by your words in (James 4: 6) please help all my helplessness and my weaknesses and give me grace to carry on.
4. My father my father by your words in (Jeremiah 33: 3) open my spiritual eyes to be able to see d secrete keys to unveil every success in my life and open my eyes to see the tricks the enemy are using to put me under any form of bondage.
6. (Matthew 10: 37) My father my father disconect me from those strong men who are satanic agent using my glory to survive.
7. Father i reject and refuse to be an instrument in d hand of satan in Jesus name.
Special Note:
You might select a special time for fasting like 12am to 6pm and turn this to your prayer point every week, do it with serious commitments and the lord will help you in Jesus name. Also never forget to join the gathering of saint to make you balance up in your faith but you must be careful on where you worship. You can visit our website for series of publications to strenghten your faith in God.
Remain blessed.
About the author
Femi Olomola