By Femi Olomola - January 5, 2025
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Topic: The Two Spirits Of Man
Bible text: Romans 8: 5-14, Galatians 5: 17
Preacher: Femi S Olomola (A Minister and Prophet of God)
Copyright© Femi .S. Olomola 2016 [All rights reserved!]
Publish by: Wefos Project Int'l Limited
Email: [email protected]
First Published [Summary Edition] 2016
ISBN: 978-978-953-658-0
Note: Members are to read for edifying only and not coveting it for personal business (God is watching!)
Recap of last week sermon:
In our previous week sermon, we looked at the topic "Believing but not receiving" to justify the claim that if God's word in (Matthew 21: 22) which state that believe and ye shall receive still hold in active order. We also looked at the phenomenon of asking, believing and receiving as a two ways operation or communication between man and God and as a covenant with God, which must not be broken in any of its stages for it to be effectual. We consider some causes of not receiving despite believing and the inability to comprehend or utilise the mystery of the work of faith.
This week, we shall be looking at the topic "The Two Spirits of Man" to equip us with the knowledge of the indwelling power of man in relation to Godliness because most time we fail to understand the power that dwells within us, until we are meant to face the difficulties or challenges of life that are inevitable. Please buckle up as you proceed with me on this week hot sermon. May the lord bless you as you do.
Man is a spirit and a subject to the creation power of God. The scripture (Genesis 2: 7) makes us understand that God formed man from the dust of the ground and breath life into them to give them charge to exist as a living soul. This tells us that Man became a living soul by the spirit of God and a product of the earth whom the devil was also dwelling and taken dominion (John 12: 31). This will also give us a perfect insight into the natural composition of man to be the spirit of God and the flesh which is a product of the earth but corruptible by virtue of the inevitable submissiveness to satanic power. I will explain this in detail so you understand better. God is speaking to Satan through his Prophet in the scripture (Ezekiel 28: 11-17) which made us to understand in verse 13b, that every precious stone adores him (Satan), the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle and that he was made up of gold. Satan was created by God as a mighty guardian cherub (Ezekiel 28: 14) and so he was made to be powerful for God's own purposes. Like we have seen above, all stones bow and adore him and that he was made of gold. All these necessitated the inevitable submission to him (Satan) by the flesh since it was picked from the earth where he (Satan) is taken dominion. Satan rules the earth until Jesus Christ came to take that authority from him because the root of his creation was made powerful from powerful stone which becomes his cover as we have read above since he will be a mighty guardian cherub of God until iniquity was found in him. He also had some reasonable authority over the things of the earth by reason of his creation. Man also got themselves trapped in his hand by breaking the commandment of God and eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and through this, he gains a reasonable entry into man. You can get a copy of my previous book for more explanation into this. May the lord bless you as you do.
The Two Spirits of Man:
The physical and the spiritual composition of man from the spirit of God and the flesh which becomes their body and which is a product of the earth where the devil is dwelling and taken dominion as we have learnt above are constantly in conflict with each other and according to our bible text (Galatians 5: 17), which made us to understand that the flesh and the spirit are always in constant conflict over your soul, so that you will not be able to do what you want to do. This means that there is always a tendency from the flesh through its nature (Galatians 5: 19-21) and which is controlled by satan to gain access over your soul and thereby decide your action. Yes, the flesh can build up or mobilise great tendency or power to dominate your soul by reason of the following:
i. The authority for satan to control the flesh thereby dominating your soul has been given to him long time ago by virtue of his creation as explained above ...........
(Ezekiel 28: 11-17), until Jesus Christ came to take it from him (John 12: 31-32) which therefore means that, only those who have submitted to God by accepting Jesus Christ as their lord and saviour will have the power to overcome the satan in their flesh, except this, the flesh will still be strongly in position and will have adequate power to dominate their soul and decide for them and therefore lead them to offend God and face eternal destruction. This is the perfect way the devil use to operate in a man and turned them to becomes his product. This tendency or power as it is being generated through your flesh comes in a different hierarchy to subdue the ability of the one being dominated as we have learnt in one of our previous sermons and it is only your ability in God's knowledge that will give you the require power to subdue it. This means that the balance between the interaction of the flesh and the spirit will be your receptiveness or ability in appropriating the knowledge of God which will, therefore, gives you the power to keep your flesh under total subjection (Hebrew 4: 12).
The truth is that the flesh will not stop fighting you by its nature even till death as we have read in our bible text (Galatians 5: 17) because it is your body and it is only a dead man that will not experience any effect on his body but your level of receptiveness and appropriating God's knowledge in you will be your weapon against it and a stage will come when the vessel is very mature in the lord toward his diligent walk with God, then at this level, overcoming the flesh will just be as easy as mere talking because of his sustained closeness to God and the controlled ability to put it into total subjection to the minimum and so therefore, the flesh will find it difficult to operate in a big form but at the very minor level which might not have any visual impact or effect and this is the stage where it is assumed the flesh is dead according to (Romans 8: 10) as it only used figuratively because the body cannot be dead and you are still living. Even Paul who is highly anointed made it clear in the book of (1 Corinthian 9: 27) that he put his flesh totally under subjection so he will not be a castaway, which means that he understands the fact that he might be a cast away if not properly nurtured. The scripture (Colossians 3: 5 K) which says that, mortify therefore your member which are upon the earth: fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence and covetousness, which is idolatry. And then, (Romans 8: 13) says that, For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die, but if ye through the spirit do mortify the deed of the body, ye shall live.
To mortify as it being used in the above scripture is to have a sustained control over the flesh, that is, putting it under total subjection.
Let us also consider two or three great men of God out of many who make up great story in the bible and whose flesh also push them to either offending God or going against his principles even at the very height of closeness with God:
A. Moses: This man was a great prophet of God whom God love more than any other on the earth surface during his period and who God had used greatly in a mighty way to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt. God made it clear in its word that he speak to his prophet in dreams and vision but in the case of this man, he speaks with him face to face as a man speaks to themselves (Numbers 12: 6-8). You can see how greatly the love God had for Moses, but when he committed a sin at the river of Meribah for not honouring God out of anger when he was asked to produce water for them to drink, then God make sure he punish him that he will die along the journey and will no longer bring the people to the promise land (Number 20: 7-12) and God also make sure what he said, happen, despite Moses pleading (Detereononomy 3: 23-28). Now we see what happen to Moses at that level, a senior high priest of God who is so close to God than any other, that has made him lose the precious opportunity of leading the children of God to the promise land came out of the flesh, which is anger.
B. David: This is another great prophet of God that was so loved by God than any other, even the light of the world that taketh the sin of mankind (Jesus Christ) came out of his lineage, God love him so much that he made a promise to him that his throne shall be established before him forever (2 Samuel 7: 16). Forever in this context means as long as the earth lives but when David committed a sin by sleeping with Bathsheba and still plan for his husband kill in war front, God gave him an everlasting curse that because you have killed a man with the sword, therefore sword will never depart from your household (2 Samuel 12: 7-15). We see another great example of how the flesh had pushed David, a senior prophet of God who God also love with all passion, to go and commit adultery and sin against God thereby receiving a great curse.
We remembered the story Abraham that lie to trade his wife with king Abimelech as his sister and if not that God loves him so much that he had to come to his rescue, something else would have happened (Genesis 20: 1-12). There are so many other cases where the flesh one way or the other had pushed people of God, that are more even closer to God to offend God but because God is a faithful father and that he knows that as a human being, we are imperfect, so he forgives and correct our step most time. Like i said above, you cannot kill flesh totally but only subdue it because it is your body except you are dead and the fact that you are still living shows that the flesh will show some effect over you but the ability to put it under total subjection, just like the case of Paul in the scripture we read above will be your receptiveness in appropriating the knowledge of God.
ii. Another factor that gives the flesh great power to dominate the soul is that, Man themselves, enter into an agreement with satan and give him the required access to have such power over them by reason of obeying and accepting to eat from the forbidden tree of knowledge of good and evil which God earlier commanded them against. You see, this act of dining with the devil through eating from the forbidden tree is where our first parent (Adam and Eve) decided the destiny of human race in general and this got them entangled because the implication of partaking of this tree is that whatever thing that is good must have a considerable effect of evil and through this, evil enter the world. You can also check my last publication on my page, written on "The Filthy Garment" to get more detail explanation on this.
There are certain things that form the foundation of every individual, just as we have partly listed above and which become the help for the flesh to gain authority over us, I have also explained this in detailed in the previous sermon, pls get it and digest. The lord blessed you as you do.
The dual nature of man:
Having known of this great phenomenon, about the interaction of the flesh and the spirit as explained above, which will equally necessitate the dual nature of man based on the level of control or the inability to appropriate the word of God as the case maybe will eventually produce some attributes to either commensurate or depreciate God's value in us. Our bible text (Romans 8: 13) makes us understand that if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die and if ye live through the spirit to mortify the deed of the flesh, ye shall live. You see, attitude and characteristics develop along with this tendency to succumb to the flesh are the major cause of the inability to subdue it always because the bible say sin is idolatry (Colossians 3: 5) which will eventually entrap you to give you the necessary appetite that will make you becomes an addict and thereby desire for it always, this is practically the tricks of the devil and what he use always to bring down many strongholds.
There are a lot of demonic power behind appetite and addiction which will even take God to break. It is better for the sin in a man's life not to get to this level because at this level, you will be fighting more forces to subdue it. The enemy could also use it as an arrow to bring you down and if you are not watchful, you will definitely fall for it. Take for instance, a believer that have been attack by an arrow of an appetite for food will have serious problem conducting a proper fast, or someone who has been committing fornication or adultery will find himself entangled in the addiction of sex and pornography or someone who dress immorally will be trapped with that addiction of immortality even without her knowledge. The trick behind addiction and the appetite is to make sure you do more of it and as the fellows get themselves deeper in the trait of that addiction, they will become mature in it to the point that, even if they eventually give their life to Christ, they will still be experiencing much conflict in their desire and they will need more work than normal to be done, comparing to their colleagues to subdue that power or desire.
I pray that the lord gives you more grace to fight whatever desire struggling with you in serving God properly in Jesus name.
The addiction becomes your altitude which will definitely turn out to be part of you as an independent entity and thereby make up the require natural circumstances and as the fellow is trying to serve God, he will be operating at the level of dual nature because if he lacks the required ability to totally subdue the forces behind that addict which has form part and parcel of him, he will still be found answering to that desire of the flesh and at the same time, answering to the desire of the spirit of God and so, I pray that the utmost grace you need to fight any background forces working in your life, may you receive it in Jesus name but the truth is that faith without work is dead and so it is your ability in your spiritual commitment that will determine your success toward this because every demonic power has their strength according to their hierarchy. One thing to note is that the scripture (Romans 5: 20) make us understand that where sin is much, grace will be more and this confirmed the fact that for everyone that has such a greater challenge or have found themselves entangled in one way or the other, there will be more grace available to them. which will equally give higher power in combating those forces but most time people are not aware of the grace that is available to them because of the situation that has swallowed them and so they end up missing the opportunity.
Maintaining the balance:
To balance the tendency between the flesh and the spirit is of great importance and also to ensure it is sustained because the devil will not stop to try to intimidate you (Galatians 5: 17), who will always come through the flesh and so you must be prepared to engage him in a sustained unending battle which will only come to an end when you are dead. Balancing this urge or desire of the flesh not to go beyond your ability, and thereby putting it under total subjection require your close walk with God and your diligent digest of him through his word which will then renew your soul (Romans 12: 1-2) to flush out every form of contamination or contaminants that has drag you in the mud all this years. One simple truth that needs to be known is that you will also need some form of empowerment to be able to fully deal with some of the stubborn contaminants which can only come by prayer and fasting, and deep worship and praise. Please endeavour to read my previous publications as I have treated all this in detail. The lord blessed you as do.
Now that you know that there is no way to totally kill this great enemy of yours (The Flesh) since you are still living, that you can only manage it through the knowledge of God in you just as we have learnt above, then your biggest prayer at all point in life is to always ask for grace to quench the urge for the flesh because you cannot do it by your power and grace doesn't come by chance but through obedience to God (James 4: 6) and by your knowledge of him (God) with your ability in your spiritual commitment that will give you the necessary empowerment to combat such forces. I pray that the lord grants you a deeper understanding on this in Jesus name.
Before you go into the prayer below, If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and saviour and you are convinced that you need him to come into your life so you can also tap into the grace available through shedding of his blood, and be sure you are ready to repent of all those sins of fornication, adultery, lying, sexual immorality, pride, jealousy, hatred, idolatry, selfish ambition, witchcraft, impurity and debauchery, dissensions, envy, drunkenness, orgies and the likes, then locate a quiet place, be sober and be on your knees, and make this little confession but remember to be sure of what you are doing, so that you will not be using God to play, when you respect him and give him honour, he will also honour you in the sight of men (Matthew 6: 6).
Lord Jesus, I come with total humbleness of heart to ask for forgiveness of my sins and accept you as my lord and saviour, please forgive me of all my sin (you can begin to name them if you know them) I surrender my life to you and i want you to come and take full charge over my life and I accept you as my lord and my saviour, please cleanse me with your blood that you shed on the cross and make me a new man leaving old things behind, I promise to serve you and do your will at all time and I ask for the strength to carry on. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for saving me.
Congratulation, you have made a step forward in tapping into his grace, now for you not to fall back, you must look out for a good holy spirit filled church or a good Redeem Christian Church of God (RCCG) to worship and begin to study the word of God, if you have just done this, you can also contact me for direction and get a free copy of my book and publications to strengthen your faith. May the lord give you the grace to carry on in Jesus name.
Plead read the following scriptures: Zachariah 9: 11, Isaiah 49: 25, Deuteronomy 30: 3-5, James 4: 6, Jeremiah 33: 3
Worship: sing this song before starting your prayer but remember, pray with total seriousness, conviction, boldness and love for God in your heart.
(your name is yahweh
You are the miracle working God
Your name is yahwe) 5x
1. My father, my fathew by your words in Zachariah 9: 11, every satanic elements or influences in my foundation causing me to sin against u unknowingly, let them be rooted out in Jesus name.
2. My father, my father every door I have been opening to the devil by my attitude or words knowingly or unknowingly, let them be permanently close in Jesus name.
3. My Father, My father by your words in James 4: 6 please help all my helplessness and my weakness and give me the grace to carry on.
4. My father my father by your words in Jeremiah 33: 3, open my spiritual eyes to be able to see the secret keys to unveil every success in my life and open my eyes to see the tricks the enemy are using to put me under any form of bondage.
5. My father, My father, by your word in Isaiah 49: 25, please contend with every background demonic forces struggling with my ability toward serving you in Jesus name.
6. Matthew 10: 37, My father my father disconnect me from those strong men who are satanic agent using my glory to survive.
7. Father i reject and refuse to be an instrument in the hand of satan in Jesus name.
Note: you might select a special time for a rotational fasting like 12am to 6pm for three days and turn this to your prayer point, do it with serious commitments and the lord will help you in Jesus name, and also never forget to join the gathering of saint to make sure you balance up in your faith. so look for a holy spirit filled church or a good redeem church (RCCG worldwide) near to you, or you can also contact me for direction, and may the lord bless you as do.
And If you are blessed by this ministration and you refuse to share it with others to minister grace to them, you are committing a sin in God's sight. (James 4 : 17).
If you also need a pdf version of this message, please inbox me.
Preacher's Note:
It is my greatest desire that this sermon minister grace unto your soul but this is not enough, to be a friend of God as we have learnt above require deep knowledge of God, because it is until you have this knowledge that you can take your place and do exploit for God and yourself, and so I will urgently urge you to be rooted and grounded in the word of God, in other to deepen your faith, knowledge and relationship with God. you can also look out for one of my book or publication, which was written on "why do people suffer and why does God allow it" This will go a long way to minister grace to you as I have compiled series of eye opener in the book about human existence and the relationship towards knowing the true GOD, which will be the basis of your success in all sphere of life, and if you are blessed by this ministration, then do not hesitate to like our page on facebook Youth And Single Empowerment Club YASEC. where you can be getting my free online touching messages that will change your experience in God's knowledge. we also come together as a movement in all strategic part of the country, hold mighty crusade and revival session, and edify ourself by his word and above all sing deep long hour praises to God and also invite an artist to keep us lively in the lord. Like our page and you will experience Club for christ in another level. May the lord bless you as you do.
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About the author
Femi Olomola