By Femi Olomola - January 5, 2025
This is a must read for all people of this world, especially the youth and single and every believer. Read and share to minister grace to your friends and please like our page. May the lord bless you as you obey. Thank You.
Topic: When the foundations are being destroyed  
Bible Text: (Psalm 11: 3, Matthew 7: 24-27)
Preacher: Femi S Olomola (A Minister and Prophet of God)
Copyright© Femi .S. Olomola 2016 [All rights reserved!]
Publish by: Wefos Project Int'l Limited
First Published [Summary Edition] 2016
ISBN: 978-978-953-658-0
Note: Members are to read for edifying only and not coveting it for personal business (God is watching!)
Recap of last week sermon:
Last week, we look at the topic "A vessel unto honour" to know all it's takes to become one and to be aware of all the tricks of the devil to use this as a trap, that easily entangled man, because almost everybody desire for this but the truth is, to whom much is given, much is expected and also great things come with great challenge.
This week, we shall be looking at the topic "when the foundation are being destroyed" to study how foundation impacted on our relationship with Christ. This is a very important study for all believers and the world at large because foundation itself carries a form of power to exist as part of us, especially when its involve a covenant of blood and there is a no way a man can live in avoidance to this. Please sit back and relax to follow this great study that will be an eye opener for you and give you a new experience in God.
We all know that the foundation of anything is a crucial part of it which cannot be compromised for a good result to be ensured. The world we live is full of processes which usually required a starting point taken as the foundation and which should determine the next phase of such process. Life also, is a race and the way you run matters a lot which will, therefore, determine your success. This usually means that every successful affair on earth also depends on your ability in appropriating the resources available to mankind. When the foundation fails, the entire success of the process will be dwindling and this will also share a part from any recuperated means that will definitely be needed to restore loss or regain hope. Let me explain this with illustration, and please do not mind the usage of the engineering terms, you will understand better as you read through. God bless you as you obey.
Take, for instance, you have a proposed building development that will require a foundation for two to three storey structure. The structural integrity and stability of the foundation for the building depends on the coherent or inherent strength of the composite material and the bearing resistance of the soil mass because even if you have a good material that will mobilise adequate shear resistance against loading but your landing platform is not good enough, then you may experience a phenomenon called differential settlement over time which will equally generate cracks all over the superstructure and so the foundation has failed. Now in a situation where the settlement is so large that it could begin to tilt the position angle of the building, then there are two option left to avoid a casualty or building collapse which are: 
1. A foundation repair called underpinning could be put in place to forestall a future seismic settlement.
2. The entire building could be brought down to start afresh with a more solid foundation.
Beloved, this is exactly how spiritual matter works. This illustration above is a perfect example and this is why our bible text (Psalm 11: 3) says when the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do. The option one above, is not the best one as it is just done to manage that problem and it might not be a lifetime solution because as you are trying to underpin an area, it may also develop some unbalances over time that would require some work also, since the landing platform is faulty, or except the underpinning runs through the perimeter of the entire foundation which could be very costly, and even at that, total perfection might not be achievable, except the entire building is brought down and rebuild with solid foundation. Once again, this is practically how spiritual matter also works because most time we engaged in processes that had prepared the foundation to be covenant part of the whole process and repairing it will just be to manage the situation except the whole process is brought down to rebuild on a more solid foundation. 
The Foundation:
Like i said above, Foundation has a great impact and form a critical part of the process for which is being required and when it is faulty, you can only manage the situation most time because achieving perfection might just be a mirage except the whole process is started all over again to correct the problem but the unfortunate thing is that most of our life situation forms a covenant part of us and became a problem for rebuilding, especially in the area of marriage, i will explain better as we proceed.
Our bible text (Matthew 7: 24-27 KJV) states that, therefore whosoever heareth these saying of mine, and doeth them, i will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock, and the rain descendent, and the floods came and the wind blew and beat upon that house and it fell not, for it was founded upon a rock, and everyone that heareth these saying of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand, and the rain descendent, and the floods came, and wind blew, and beat upon that house and it fell, and great was the fall of it.
This is true of every man's work, no matter what you do or are engaged in, if the foundation is built on rock, it will survive the test of time because no man's work will escape the challenges of life. This challenge becomes the natural wind that will blow over the house which your work has built over time and if it survive, it shall stand to remain for life. 
Let us liken or assume the deed of man, or the quest for every good desire in life to be a house to be built because no matter what your plans are, either you are sending your children to school to become a better person tomorrow, so that in return, you can eat the fruit of your labour or you are planning to get marry, so that you can develop a lovely family to continue on your name, or you are looking for a good job to live up to standard and meet your responsibilities, no matter what your plan are, you are building a house, which the finished structure will be your achieved goal, and the foundation will represent your starting point coupled with the content and your integrity towards accomplishing your goal. This is why, the bible text above (Matthew 7: 24-27) says, anyone who hear this saying of mine and doeth them, is like a wise man, who build his house upon a rock, and when the storm or the wind of life come, it can stand and never fall off. 
You remembered, that in our illustration above, we say the foundation of a building critically depends on two major factors and which are:
1. The coherent or inherent strength of the composite material used for the foundation work which will, therefore, mobilise adequate shear resistance during loading.
2. The bearing resistance of the soil mass which becomes the platform receiving the foundation structure and thereby mobilise stability for the entire building structure.
Now for a proper understanding of the above, for every house you are building, which becomes your life desire and goals respectively as explained above, the foundation which represent the starting point has two major criteria, for it to be strong enough to sustain and actualise your desire or goal in this regard, and these will be the content of your desire as stated in number one above, that is, how logical, knowledgeable and wise it is and your integrity which becomes the backbone or platform to receive the content of your life desire as stated in number two above and thereby, mobilise stability for the entire process to actualize your goal.
There are certain rules and regulations to which God had laid down for man to live successfully in all affair of the earth and when they are not duly followed, it automatically put whatever your plan is, into jeopardy. Building your foundation on these rules, to ensure it aligned with your integrity will give you a hundred percent assurance that your future is guaranteed. I have also detailed more on this in my previous sermon and published book, you can request for a full knowledge on this. May the Lord bless you as you do.
Let's relate our discussion to a real life scenario, take for instance you are a youth of age fifteen and want to strive to become a better person in life. First and foremost, you must define your better person to have coordinate with a goal tagged on it, like, i want to be a doctor or a lawyer or an Engineer, then that goal will be your finished house or building in the future. The foundation, though, might not really be from your kindergarten but at the point to which you are taking the prerequisite course to this regard, which could be from your secondary school education. Now to satisfy the two factors listed above for your foundation to be strong enough to sail through the storms of life, though you have a good content (goal), which is logical, knowledgeable and wise decision but you must endeavour as a matter of urgency, to align the platform to which the content will be operating, which becomes the soil mass to receive the foundation structure as illustrated in number two above and thereby mobilise adequate stability for the entire building, to the principles which God had laid down for every successful affair on earth (Exodus 20: 1-7, Deuteronomy 28: 1-14) and which, therefore, becomes your integrity, except this, my brother and sister, your goal will be dwindling and might end up going to nowhere. The integrity which becomes the platform to receive your content or goal must be aligned with God, which will also be your moral standard and this will be your guard for the entire success. The integrity will also give you a psychological sense of knowledge that you must be very serious with your study and read your book very well to come out in flying colour rather than giving bribe to your teacher or cutting corner to pass exams.
Like i have said during the previous week sermon, for any good thing to happen on this earth, there must be an enablement which becomes the divine unseen driving forces behind every successful affair and it usually comes with a spiritual tone or empowerment that will be the backbone for making it work because the world in its entirety is controlled by the affair in the spiritual. This is why you must align the platform to which your goal will be operating with God's principles as they are the only once that guarantee success as we have duly read above. May the lord grant you the grace for a deeper understanding on this in Jesus name.
Paul speaking in the book of (1 Corinthians 3: 12-15) which says if anyone build upon this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, their work will be shown for what it is, because the day will bring it to light, it will be revealed with fire and the fire will test the quality of each person's work, if what has been built survive, the builder will receive a reward, if it is burned up, the builder will suffer loss but yet will be saved, even though only as one escaping through the flames.
Like i said above, every of your life desire and goals represent a house which you are building but will be completed when the goal has been achieved, and here in the verse above, we are meant to understand that the house will be tested with fire to see if it will be burned down and any house that is still standing after the test, the builder will be rewarded and if it burned down, the builder will only suffer loss. This is practically how God trained the children he dearly loved, and also, how he will determine the status of your faith and sonship to him. God will not be the one to set the fire but satan which will come as the storm of life, satisfying the worldly sacrifice (Matthew 22: 21). Do not be deceived, this is the major principles to which everything work on this earth, no matter how big or small your plans are, it will be tested with fire which is the storm of life that will blow especially for those that are christ follower but God deliver them all and those that are not for christ, the storm come and sweep them off the floor.
Now, when the foundation is faulty or not strong enough, what will happen to the building when the storm blow on it? of course, it will be shaken and could be prone to danger of pulling down. When this happen, the next option is to be looking for how to repair and maintain it so that it can still serve for some while. The truth is that conducting a repair or maintenance work will only meant to manage the situation and cannot achieve perfection like if it is built on a more solid foundation. You remember in our illustration above, we highlight only two options that could be employed when the foundation is faulty and this is either carrying out a foundation repair called underpinning to forestall a future seismic settlement or bringing down the entire building structure to start all over again with a more solid foundation because underpinning will only be employed to manage that situation and might not give a lifetime perfect solution and the only solution that could be so sure and perfect is to rebuild with a more solid foundation. 
Life is full of up and down and most of our problem is that we built on a very wrong or faulty foundation. God in it mercy can perfect whatever things that could be wrong but the truth that needs to be known is this, there are some faulty foundation or mistake we make in the past that would have become a covenant part of your existence and correcting it sometimes could result to, you also going down with it, or except it can only be managed or start all over again in some cases, i will give illustration to this effect as we progress. You remember, God said i hate divorce (Malachi 2: 16) but the truth is that there are some marriage mistake that once been made, you have found yourself in a big lifetime mess, even if God want to help, he will only manage the situation for you because if you pull out, you might be creating more problem, except you are ready to pay the sacrifice of not remarry. Marriage covenant is one of the strongest and likewise worst covenant because the devil will always use it as a claim against you. There are people that the devil is critically working through them, even before their birth, and that for you to talk of their repentance, the devil himself must repent first, which is almost impossible. Believe it or not, don't say, there is nothing impossible for God because there are certain people that God himself does not want you to go near because he knows that they are real sons and daughters of the devil himself. You remember, God critically warned his children not to intermarry with some nations of the earth that are Idol worshipper for they will turn their heart away from him (Deuteronomy 7: 3-4). The implication of the above verse is that God critically accepts the fact that these sons and daughters of those Idol worshippers can snatch you away from him.
You see, there are some situations in life that will only require to keep managing it and God can give grace for such, when needed. Not that God does not have the power to restore total perfection but sometimes we get ourself involved in things that had already prepared the ground for us to be covenant part and parcel of it and thereby becomes part of our existence just like the case of the marriage affair we just illustrated above. Let's look at the case of the youth we illustrated above, if he does not read his book, there is nothing even God can do. 
Consider also, two workers that started work in the same organisation have started building a house for themselves in this regards, assuming the first one is always embezzling money and doing all sort of shady deal but the second one has some integrity and he doesn't lie, or embezzled or involve in any shady deal, and a time come when the company has a new CEO who love discipline and correction and request audit from all departments. The worker that has been embezzling money  is already building on a very faulty foundation will have his house already shaken and about to collapse since it cannot withstand that storm of life that had blown and will be trying to look for cheap way out, thereby, creating more problems awaiting him in the next storm that might later come but the worker that has been faithful to God and has integrity will have his building stays more and more intact, even as the wind continue to blow and will have no cause to fear or shake because he has been building on a very solid foundation. All these was why our bible text (Psalm 11: 3) says that if the foundation are being destroyed, what can the righteous do. May the lord grant you grace for a deeper understanding in Jesus name.
Beloved, believed this saying of the lord (Matthew 7: 24-27, Psalm 11: 3), for it is better to start well by planning well and setting a good foundation for whatever you are planning rather than get stuck in it and looking for cheap way out, for there is no cheap way out in anywhere and you are going to pay more sacrifice to correct things if that is possible.
Maintaining the process:
Let's look at some certain factors that can help us still manage the process, when the mistake has been made and the foundation is already faulty. You remembered, we said above in our illustration that there are only two option left to consider, when the foundation of a building is faulty which is either to conduct a foundation repair called underpinning or to bring the entire building down for a rebuild but in some cases, especially, in a marital affair, it could be difficult to rebuild if God himself, attest and approve of the marriage and the only option is to ask for grace to keep managing the situation to keep it within limit. Now let me list out ways in which proper maintenance can be done in order of priority:
1. Ask for forgiveness and mercy from God over your mistake
2. Seek God's resolution
3. Walk very close with God
4. empowerment in God
5. Share the light  
6. Always give him thanks
My advice goes to the youth and single, make sure you build on solid foundation on whatever thing you want to do, especially those that are yet to marry, make sure you do it with focus to align with God standard, because a man or woman that has gotten his or her marriage right from the beginning will be free from more than ninety percent of the problem of this world. Quote my words anywhere in the world! May the lord bless you as you obey.
If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and saviour and you are convinced that you need him to come into your life so you can also tap into the grace available through shedding of his blood, and equally partake of the effectiveness of his wrath and the blessing that comes with it, and that you are sure, you are ready to repent from all those sin of fornication, adultery, lying, sexual immorality, pride, jealousy, hatred, idolatry, selfish ambition, witchcraft, impurity and debauchery, dissensions, envy, drunkenness, orgies and the likes, then locate a quiet place, be sober and be on your knees, and make this little confession but remember to be sure of what you are doing, so that you will not be using God to play, when you respect him and give him honour, he will also honour you in the sight of men (Matthew 6: 6).
Lord Jesus, i come with total humbleness of heart to ask for forgiveness of my sins and accept you as my lord and saviour, please forgive me of all my sin (you can begin to name them if you know them) I surrender my life to you and i want you to come and take full charge over my life and i accept you as my lord and my saviour, please cleanse me with your blood that you shed on the cross and make me a new man leaving old things behind, I promise to serve you and do your will at all time and i ask for the strength to carry on. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for saving me.
Congratulation, you have made a step forward in tapping into his grace, now for you not to fall back, you must look out for a good holy spirit filled church or a good Redeem Christian Church of God (RCCG) to worship and begin to study the word of God, if you have just done this, you can also contact me for direction and get a free copy of my book and publications to strengthen your faith. May the lord give you the grace to carry on in Jesus name.
Preacher's Note:
It is my greatest desire that this sermon minister grace unto your soul but this is not enough, to be a friend of God as we have learnt above require deep knowledge of God, because it is until you have this knowledge that you can take your place and do exploit for God and yourself, and so i will urgently urge you to be rooted and grounded in the word of God, in other to deepen your faith, knowledge and relationship with God. you can also look out for my book written on "why do people suffer and why does God allow it" This will go a long way to minister grace to you as i have compiled series of eye opener in the book about human existence and the relationship towards knowing the true GOD, which will be the basis of your success in all sphere of life, and if you are blessed by this ministration, then do not hesitate to like our page on facebook (Youth and Single Empowerment Club, YASEC), where you can be getting my free online touching messages that will change your experience in God's knowledge. we also come together as a movement in all strategic part of the country, hold mighty crusade and revival session, and edify ourself by his word and above all sing deep long hour praises to God and invite an artist to keep us lively in the lord. Like our page and you will experience Club for christ in another level. May the lord bless you as you do.
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Facebook: Youth and Single Empowerment Club. YASEC.
Copyright© Femi .S. Olomola 2016
All rights reserved
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any means, electronically, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the express written consent of the copyright owner.
Publish by
Wefos Project Int'l Limited
First Published [Summary Edition] 2016
ISBN: 978-978-953-658-0
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